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Oh, sweet espresso.

The 'Spro Blend

The 'Spro Blend

Regular price $16.55 USD
Regular price Sale price $16.55 USD
Sale Sold out

About the Joe:

Why we love it:

We know you love espresso. We do too. And since our core drive is to bring you coffee where you're at, we knew our 'Spro Blend (aka espresso blend) had to be something significant. And as a shop specializing in cold brew, this had to pass all the tests; you need to know you're getting a high quality, masterful espresso blend. After a number of trial runs and roast alterations, we believe we have created our best espresso blend. Uniting the rich chocolate suave of our Brazil Serra Negra with our smokey El Salvador created something special.. but when we balanced it with a small portion of a floral Ethiopian coffee? Magic. As we learned the right balance for the blend, we finally released it to some of our wholesale partners. Their positive responses over the last several months have been astounding, so.. voila. Here it is. Come one, come all. Hope you enjoy. 


 You may taste:

Cocoa like a willy wonka river, cane sugar like normal sugar but cane, hints of rose and sweet floral mmhmm, and a full body; perfect for espresso drinks of all shapes and sizes.

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